Welcome to

Crete United Methodist Church

Located in downtown Crete, IL.
1321 Main Street
Worship Service is
Sunday mornings at 10 a.m.
Pastor Kristen Larsen
Admin. Assistant: Diane McGarel
Sunday's Sermon
Our Mission
is to be Christ centered, teaching and learning community, dedicated to reaching out to all in a spirit of caring and sharing, a community where growth in Christ inspires us to be joyful sharing people.
Weekly Devotion
Spring is in the air! Tomorrow marks the Vernal Equinox and the first day of spring. I look outside my window and there are small brown birds in the bush just to the left of me, chirping and rattling the branches. I’ve seen squirrels in the backyard. The earth is coming alive again. And I long to see green again.
Spring has been called “the greening time.” It reminds me of Hildegard of Bingen, a Christian mystic who became a nun at the age of fourteen and ultimately became the abbess of the convent.
She believed in humankind’s inherent goodness and the goodness of the natural world. She spoke of God’s greening power, which “gives life to all things and inspires and revives our spiritual lives.” She believed the care of the earth was part of our responsibility as followers of Christ.
A section of one of her poems goes like this.
Good people, most royal greening verdancy, Rooted in the sun,
You shine with radiant light, in this circle of earthly existence.
You shine so finely, it surpasses understanding.
God hugs you. You are encircled by the arms of the mystery of God.
I hope you enjoy the warming weather and find delight as the earth turns green again. And I pray for you to experience God’s greening power, reviving your spiritual life, being encircled in God’s hug.
Yours in the journey,
Pastor Kristen
This Sunday, March 23, is Penny- Pantry Sunday.
During the months of January till the end of March funds collected for Penny-Pantry will go towards the Bishop's Appeal. This year, for 2025 The Bishop Appeals funds will be used for Innovate Outreach. Grants from the Northern Illinois Conference will be awarded to churches and leaders that take risks and try new ways to share the Gospel and care for their communities. Check out the Northern Illinois Conference’s website to learn more. https://www.umcnic.org/grants.
The United Methodist Women's Club next meeting will be held on Monday, April 07, beginning at 1:30p, in the narthex. All are invited to attend.
On May 1st the Women’s Club is planning a trip to Sunrise Greenhouse, INC., which is located at10300 E. 9000 N. Road, Grant Park, IL. They will be gathering in the parking lot, Thursday, May 1st, at 10a for a day of shopping & lunch. All are invited to attend.
Easter Flowers: Beautiful lilies and tulips will once again adorn the altar of our sanctuary for Easter Sunday, April 20th. Order forms are now available on the wooden table, as you enter the sanctuary. Cost per flower will be the same as last year, $9.00 each. You have until Sunday, April 06 to place your order. You can either fill out the form and place in the collection plate or call Diane in the church office at 708-672-8353 to place your order.
Save these Dates: Holy Week Services
Pancake Breakfast - April 13th, after church service on Palm Sunday. This event will be hosted by the United Methodist Women’s Club. All are invited.
Maundy Thursday: Come N’ Go Communion will be held on April 17, 2025, from 4:30 to 6:00 pm. You are invited to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion.
Good Friday Service: April 18, from 2:30 to 3:15pm.
Easter Sunday Worship Service, April 20 at 10:00 a.m.
A service of joy, music, and song celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Monday, April 7th
in the narthex
The United Methodist Women's Club will be gathering. All are welcome to join. They gather the first Mondays of every month.

Pancake Breakfast
April 13, 2025
in the narthex
after church services
All are invited to attend

Lent Bible Study: The Message of Jesus: Words that Changed the World By Adam Hamilton
March 5, 2025- April 9th, 2025
@ 10:30 a.m.
in the narthex
You are invited to experience a fresh encounter with the words of Jesus.
More than 3 billion people claim to follow Jesus. But aside from a few verses, how many actually know what he taught? In fact, much of what people think Jesus taught, he never said.
In this six-week study, pastor and best-selling author Adam Hamilton explores six of the most important themes in Jesus’s preaching on the Kingdom of God, the Sermon on the Mount, the parables, the “I am” sayings in John and more. Jesus’s message in not only life-changing, but world-changing.
Begins March 5 through April 9 at 10:30am in the church narthex.
Even if you have not signed up you can join the study. Attend what sessions you can. All are welcome to join in. We meet Wednesday mornings in the narthex, class begins at 10:30a.

Holy Week Services:
Maundy Thursday
Come N' Go Communion
April 17, 2025 from 4:30 to 6:00 pm.
You are invited to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion at anytime during these posted hours. Come when you can, leave when you must.
Good Friday Service
April 18, 2025 from 2:30 to 3:15pm.
Come to this moving service of the extinguishing of light as we hear the Gospel testimonies of the last days of Jesus’ life and his death on the cross. The time of this service correlates to the time Jesus died on the cross at 3pm.
Easter Sunday Worship Service, April 20 at 10:00 a.m.
A service of joy, music, and song celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Crete UMC hosts an on-line worship sermon that is available on our Facebook page, our YouTube Channel, and can be e-mailed directly to you if you join our e-mail list.

Before and After School Program
will resume in the Fall of 2024
Kathy Carter Young
Director of the Before and After School Program
Email: klcy6000@aol.com for further information.

Beginners class meets
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday from 7:30a- 8:15a
10 children per class
Advanced Class meets
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday from 7:30a- 8:15a
10 children per child
Recital Tea will be held on Saturday, May 17, 2025
Enduring Strings
begins on September 3, 2024
Program runs on CM201U School Schedule Cost: $50 a month per child Sept/May

Online Giving
Secure, reliable, and convenient! Give a one-time gift (no account needed), or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card. (See our SCHEDULE YOUR GIVING help page, or contact Diane at 708-672-8353, if you have questions!)

The Pantry is open on Wednesday mornings
from 9:00 a.m. till 11:00 a.m.,
It's only Available to Crete Township Residents
pick up and drop off of food is at
1367 Wood Street
Crete, IL 60417
To receive, come into the building located at 1367 Wood Street to register. Proof of residency is required.
"Even as phase four is taking place, we are bombarded with ”virus” news. Life does go on and many people face unemployment and hard times. The Crete Pantry is continuing to serve any one who comes for food on Wednesday mornings. This is straining the budget of the Pantry.
If you are able to help financially at this time, your gift will be put to immediate use.
Any monetary gift is tax deductible and can be sent to either The Crete Pantry, 1367 Wood Street, Crete, Illinois 60417 or at Crete UMC
If you are dropping off food at the Township, please contact the Crete Food Pantry directly at the Township to make your donation. The Township's Phone number is 708-672-8279 to schedule a time to make your donation.
Located at 1367 Wood Street
Crete, IL 60417

At Crete United Methodist Church we realize that there will be times in our lives where problems and circumstances seem overwhelming. It is at these times when we may want to isolate ourselves and hide.
We want you to know that you are not alone!
There are many who share your struggles. Crete UMC's Spiritual Themes in Recovery (S.T.I.R) helps those who are struggling with the addictions of Alcohol and is designed to provide an opportunity for you to share and interact with others and find encouragement and support that you may need. To attend, please call
(708) 672-8353 or email office@creteumc.org
for information
Quick Links
While masks will not be required, those who feel more comfortable masked are invited to do so. We ask, as a good faith effort, that if you have not been vaccinated or if you are feeling a bit under the weather, that you personally chose to wear a mask while in the church buildings.
Worship Services:
Sunday mornings
at 10:00 a.m.
Phone: 708-672-8353
Email: office@creteumc.org
Phone: 708-672-8353
Email: office@creteumc.org
Diane McGarel, Admin Asst.
Office Hours
are Monday thru Friday from 8-1p.
Office Hours: In-person
Tuesdays, 8-1p
Fridays 8-12p
Calls received during non in-person office hours are forwarded and answered remotely. Your call is very important to us so if the line is busy please leave a message as Diane, the Office Admin Assistant will return your call as soon as possible.
Located at 1321 Main Street, Crete, IL 60417

©2022 Crete United Methodist Church
All Rights Reserved.
Created by Diane J. McGarel