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Crete United Methodist Church
Penny-Pantry Sunday
Every fourth Sunday of the month, we as a church collect for what we refer to as Penny-Pantry Sunday.
These funds are divided quarterly into four separate charities: Bishop Appeal, Crete Food Pantry, PADS Ministry and the Helping Hands Ministry. The Bishop Appeal is collected by all the districts.
The Crete Food Pantry provides groceries twelve times a year to families in need who are residents of Crete Township. The Crete Food Pantry is open on Wednesday mornings, from 9-11a, and is located at 1367 Wood Street, Crete, IL
Providing Advocacy Dignity Shelter (PADS) provides temporary shelter, job training, and meals to the homeless. To learn more, click here.
Helping Hands Ministries is a ministry of Crete UMC providing an assortment of special services to those in need within our community. For instance, this ministry can provide clothing to wear for a job interview or pay for transportation to a doctor's appointment. Perhaps someone needs help to make their electric bill. Please see the pastor if you are in need as the funds are distributed at the discretion of the pastor.
Bishop’s Appeal for 2025 is for Innovate Outreach
In their book A Way Out of No Way: An Approach to Christian Innovation, Stephen Lewis and Kimberly Daniel explore how Christians can innovate using practices rooted in our faith. They write, “A playful ‘what if?’ approach to imagining and refining ideas is necessary to develop, support, and amplify solutions that matter to everyday people given that the stakes are high.”
We are in a time where “what if?” kinds of questions are more important than ever and our congregations and communities must begin to imagine, innovate, and foster creative ways of nurture, outreach and witness. To encourage this kind of innovation and experimentation, this year’s Bishop’s Appeal Offering will be used to as the foundation for grants to be awarded to churches and leaders that take risks and try new ways to share the Gospel and care for their communities.
Dates: Recipient of funds
January to March Bishop Appeal
April to June Crete Food Pantry
July to September PADS Ministry
October to December Helping Hands Ministry